SEED-TO-SOIL CONTACT – Get your crop out of the ground faster and on-time with our Coil Wheels
Improve your seed-to-soil contact. Our self-cleaning coil wheels don’t overpack the furrow, give you better germination and more time in the field.
RYAN NT Coil Gauge, Closing and Packer Wheels
The RYAN NT Coil Press Wheel is answering seed-to-soil contact challenges when seeding.
The Ryan family’s mission is to help farmers improve crop yields. With that in mind, the self-cleaning and self-closing action of the coil wheel has made it a revolutionary press wheel. The press wheel plates come in a variety of hole patterns to suit most bearing and hub stud patterns.
Rubber vs Coil Press Wheel
The unique action of the coil system enables superior germination as it presses out air from around the seed. The benefits of this action include:
- Better seed-to-soil contact.
- No compaction.
Plus the press wheels stop plugging, a hassle commonly seen with rubber systems.
As mentioned our wheels get air out of the ground to give superior seed-to-soil contact. Meaning the wheels pack around the seed, NOT on top of it. That’s exactly what the RYAN NT Coil Wheel does! You will get amazing results; that’s our promise!
Self-cleaning press wheel with a new patented heavy-duty model available.
RYAN NT Coil Gauge & Closing Wheels for single and double disc systems
RYAN NT's self-cleaning Coil Gauge Wheels and Closing Wheels eliminate mud build-up and allow you to plant in tough conditions – plus you can plant earlier in the mornings and later in the evenings.
Gauge Wheels
RYAN NT Gauge and Closing Wheels on John Deere MaxEmerge Planter
Move over rubber wheels. Farmers have tested the RYAN NT Coil Gauge Wheels in soils and conditions around the world.
The wheels have proven themselves in wet and dry situations and light and heavy stubbles. By using this system, you will have less downtime when planting.
Farmers can easily fit the RYAN NT coil wheel into their machine, which suits most disc planting units. The retrofit design means you can easily replace worn rubber gauge wheels using existing equipment and parts.
The coils flex to allow mud to pass through, usually stopping a disc machine using conventional gauge wheels.
The gauge wheels are spoked, further allowing mud to flow through in damp and sticky conditions. We have also narrowed the gauge wheel as wider gauge wheels often run on previous stubble rows.
Brett Ostberg of Red River Valley, North Dakota, states, “Well, we put your gauge wheels to the test in the heart of Red River Valley gumbo in the wettest spring in a century. They may have collected mud, but they kept the disc clean and never stopped turning. Very Impressed!”
Coil Gauge Wheel (Centre) vs Rubber Gauge Wheel
Closing Wheels
RYAN NT Gauge and Closing Wheels on John Deere MaxEmerge Planter
The RYAN NT Closing Wheel is a proven retrofit upgrade for planters due to how well it self-cleans and closes furrows. These features eliminate air pockets and enhance seed-to-soil contact for even emergence and significant crop growth.
The wheels have shown excellent results for many well-known models, including single-disc seeders and double-disc planters. The auger action of the coil compacts soil tight, breaks down sidewall compaction and screws the slot closed for a better press than other systems on offer.
Conventional rubber spiked or cast closing wheels can cause poor germination due to poor seed-to-soil contact or trench cracking. The coil’s material is spring steel, which means you no longer need to deal with splitting or deteriorating rubber wheels. The design makes replacing worn cast or rubber closing wheels easy, as you can use your own existing equipment.
Coil Closing Wheel germination vs Rubber Closing Wheel Germination
Evolution Of The Coil Wheel
Since planting first began, the priority has always been about seed-to-soil contact. Planting started with tine seeders planting the seed and tine harrows following behind covering the seed. Press wheels came later, in various materials, including steel, plastic, and rubber. As the market grew, more shapes and designs became available such as V shapes, flats, domes, pneumatics and semi-pneumatics. The constant aim was to get more productivity and better germination.
The RYAN NT Spring Coil Press Wheel evolved from a Canadian innovation: the Coil Packer. Some 30 years ago, Austin Ryan found that the Coil Packer on his seeder was leaving his red soil too crusty. Being a creative thinker, he heated a piece of wire into a pig’s tail shape as the first prototype.
This prototype led to a gang model that could fit multiple wheels, evenly spaced along an axle, in line with the seeder planter tines. Demand then started for a single-press wheel model. The wheel further evolved into having different width models (2 and 3 coils).
Flexicoil Coil Packer and Ryan Coil Press Harrows
As time progressed, there was the requirement for additional modifications to the coil wheel so it could suit other various seeders, parallelograms, precision planters and disc air seeders. Now, the RYAN NT Coil Wheel is working in a number of countries and soil types and conditions around the world.
Get in touch with RYAN NT today to try the coil wheel systems out for yourself.