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Seeder & Planter Retrofit Upgrades That Get You Better Yields

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RYAN NT Gauge Wheel

SEEDER Gauge Wheel

Plant in wet or sticky conditions with RYAN NT Coil Gauge Wheels.

Side view of Single Disc closing wheel


Achieve outstanding furrows with RYAN NT Coil Closing Wheels.

Planter Gauge wheel 2025

PLANTER Gauge Wheel

Plant in wet or sticky conditions with RYAN NT Coil Gauge Wheels.

RYAN NT Closing Wheel


Achieve outstanding furrows with RYAN NT Coil Closing Wheels.

ryan press wheels


Self-cleaning Coil Press Wheels for superior seed-to-soil contact.

We help farmers save time and money with our Ryan Press Wheels, Gauge Wheels and Closing Wheels

We've spent the last 40+ years getting our hands dirty under machines to develop the best seeding products. This passion for farm machinery means that you will receive the highest quality products from RYAN NT, like the Ryan Press Wheel.

Higher Yields; Higher Profit

Higher Yields; More Profits

It's simple. Using RYAN NT products leads to higher yields and more profits!

48 Hour Turnaround

48 Hour Turnaround

We focus 100% on any problem you have and aim to solve it within 48 hours.

Strength & Versatility

Strength & Versatility

Built with heavy-duty hardened cast steel because it’s robust and lasts much longer.

Our Guarantee:

Your crops will ‘jump' out of the ground due to better seed placement and germination, leading to higher yields and more profit.

RYAN NT Coil Gauge & Closing Wheels for single and double disc systems

RYAN NT's self-cleaning Coil Gauge Wheels and Closing Wheels eliminate mud build-up and allow you to plant in tough conditions – plus you can plant earlier in the mornings and later in the evenings.


The wheels have proven themselves in wet and dry situations and light and heavy stubbles. By using this system, you will have less downtime when planting.

RYAN NT Coil Gauge and Closing Wheels on John Deere Maxemerge Planter Row Units
Gason air seeder coil ryan press wheels

The RYAN NT Coil Press Wheel is answering seed-to-soil contact challenges when seeding.

The Ryan family’s mission is to help farmers improve crop yields. With that in mind, the self-cleaning and self-closing action of the coil ryan press wheel has made it revolutionary. The press wheel plates come in a variety of hole patterns to suit most bearing and hub stud patterns.

The unique action of the coil system enables superior germination as it presses out air from around the seed. The benefits of this action include better seed-to-soil contact and no compaction.


Plus the press wheels stop plugging, a hassle commonly seen with rubber systems.

What our farmers have to say...

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